sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

God never leaves you

The parable of the prodigal son shows us a world-weary and ready to leave the great father's farm to enjoy life, then asks his inheritance to his father and travels to a distant land. There begins to spend all the fortune that his father had given him, the problem is that the money ends up bad employee just to the point of him (his son) have to work tending pigs and not only that more food is the food that remained of animals. That's when he realizes that his father's house was no food at will, and he decides to return home to his father, but as a son more as an employee. However when the child is approaching the house, his father sees him ragged pities and runs to meet him, embraces him and kisses him happy with his son who returned to the home. God is the Father of this story and you and I are the children (the child), we move away from the Father because of our sin, the father is waiting with open arms to hold you and kiss. Back to God! He never leaves you! Even in difficult times where it looks like you're alone. He will be with you feeling what you feel because you know Jesus. Agree with his Lord and you will have a change of lifestyle.

Rogerio Oliveira

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